This is a conversion of the original mod to Assetto Corsa, with two ks models (Lotus72 and Ferrari 312T) added. Therefore you will need the Lotus DLC (Assetto Corsa - Dream Pack 3) to play the Lotus 72E.
Tyrrell P34 Physics update (11 April 2020)
Note on Installation of the Lotus 72E
As described above you need the "Assetto Corsa - Dream Pack 3" DLC from steam:
1.Extract folders content and texture to your AC install: …\SteamLibrary\SteamApps\common\assettocorsa\
2. Goto …\SteamLibrary\SteamApps\common\assettocorsa\content\cars\ks_lotus_72d
3. Copy the following files:

4. Within \cars folder, goto \f1c75_lotus_72e
5. Paste the copied Lotus files there.
Note on Installation of the Ferrari 312T
You need the original kunos Ferrari 312T install files:
1.Extract folders content and texture to your AC install: …\SteamLibrary\SteamApps\common\assettocorsa\
2. Goto:
..\SteamLibrary\SteamApps\common\assettocorsa\content\cars\ ferrari_312t
3. Copy the following files:

4. Within \cars folder, goto \f1c75_ferrari_312t
5. Paste the copied Ferrari files there.
Balancing the mod
Since the Ferrari's brakes were too weak and the Lotus' performance was too strong, we made changes to both cars.
- The weight of the Ferrari was reduced by 35 kg.
https://mega.nz/file/2g92VQSZ#dEVgcbdh2cIe_IQ5hRsW0j2wvGcTnz388KKmh42-hZw - The weight of the Lotus was increased by 40 kg.
We got the values from a friendly community who drove this mod in a longer championship.
(It is not necessary to copy the kn5 files described above into the folders of the two BOP vehicles.)