The information in tab "GPL-Mod" is written by Bazza & DrDoomslab.

This mod represents the 1967 formula one season, the last year without wings. Mechanical grip and a velvet throttle foot were key to keeping this beasts on track.

About the Mod
Our goal was a homage to the original Grandprix Legends, therefore we tried to include the character and some of the physics data of GPL in this mod. E.g. torque curves, horsepower, rpm limits, gear and diff ratio’s are in close resemblance , same goes for suspension geometry and typical handling characteristics per car.
We will further upgrade the ‘older models’ in the nearby future (BRM, Cooper and McLaren) with high poly tubs and high res cockpits.
Version 2.15 Changelog
Version 2.20 Changelog Bugfixes
- Added 1966 McLaren M2B as a bonus
- Improved front A-arms for Eagle
- Updated Engine sounds for Cooper
- Errors on suspension nodes (Eagle)
- Added LOD’s for all cars for better fps performance
Version 2.15 Changelog Bugfixes
- Fixed swapped mirrors
- Improved A-arm fixing points (Brabham, Eagle, Honda)
- Fixed steering wheel position on Honda and Brabham
- Updated Honda skin, improved reflections
- Updated Engine sounds for Honda and McLaren
- Errors on suspension nodes
- Added shift delays for flappy paddle shifters to disable (online) hotshifting
ToDo, mid/ long term
- Model upgrades for BRM, Cooper and - LOD's for BT24, Eagle Honda
- Further improvements of sounds