Harry had the idea to implement a new series to our [THR] calendar.
Great idea!
After some tests, we are proud to announce the
[THR] Touring Car Legends Championship.
In the following lines you can find the details on the Cup.
cars (made by Bazza)
We race the 60s pack of the Touring Car Legends from Bazza.
You can find the cars and additional information here:

We race the TCL championship in two classes:
Class 1:
Austin Healy, Ford Mustang, Toyota 2000GT
Class 2:
Jaguar MK2, Hillman Imp, Mini Cooper S, Ford Fairlane, MGA, MG-B, Lotus Cortina
tracks (alternating weeks with the GPL championship)
1 | TCL | Fuji 1968 F1 | 2020-03-15 | |
2 | GPL | Fuji 1968 GP | 2020-03-22 | |
3 | TCL | Longford 1967 | 2020-03-29 | |
4 | GPL | Longford 1967 | 2020-04-05 | |
5 | TCL | Spa 1934 | 2020-04-12 | Will be released by Waffles before the raceweekend. |
6 | GPL | Spa 1966 | 2020-04-19 | |
7 | TCL | Monaco 1966 | 2020-04-26 | |
8 | GPL | Monaco 1966 | 2020-05-03 | |
9 | TCL | Deutschlandring | 2020-05-10 | The Grand TCL Finale |
10 | GPL | Deutschlandring | 2020-05-17 | The Grand GPL Finale |
race weekend
Fun Race on Friday.
Practice Races on Saturday.
Championship Race on Sunday.
>>> All races on the weekends track!
Start will be at 21 UTC each day.
The championship starts at 2020-03-15 and ends at 2020-05-10.
Schedule for Saturday and Sunday:
- First: a qualifying over 20 minutes
- Second: a race over 20 minutes (normal starting grid)
- Third: a race over 20 minutes (reversed starting grid)
There will be no restart. Start carefully!
You have to book your slot for each weekend with this form:
- You can choose car and skin for the upcoming event.
- Choose wisley, cause you block your chosen spots.
- Due to technical reasons (google forms) the booking will close on 20:30UTC each race day. So, don't wait to long to book your spot.
The status of the booked slots will be shown:
- in the #booking channel in Discord

- on the first page of the booking form

Race Server:
THR | Tarnhorn Racing | GPL67 MOD community | discord.me/THRacing
Fun Race Server:
Fun Race Server:
THR | Tarnhorn Racing | THE TARNHOERNER 100 | discord.me/THRacing
drivers championship
We have a drivers championship and we use the following point system:
position | points |
P1 | 30 |
P2 | 27 |
P3 | 24 |
P4 | 21 |
P5 | 20 |
P6 | 19 |
... | ... |
P24 | 1 |
So every racer is able to earn points in the races and therefore has the possibility to compete for position in the championship.
If a racer is not able to end the race, points will be rewarded, if 75% of the leaders lap numbers are completed.
The points for race 1 and race 2 will be added together.
Sunday Race1 = P6 = 19 points | Race2 = P2 = 27 points
This are 46 points, which are added to your drivers championship.
To take in account that not every racer is able to race on every weekend, the worst result will be deleted. So only 4 out of 5 weekends count for the championship.
We try to race without them. The races over the past months show that [THR] racers know how to handle the car and how to deal with the oponents on track.
This includes:
- You have to stay out of other racers racing line. Especially when you are slower.
- When you are able to race on the same level then the other racers, then you have to give them space and try to avoid bumping them out of the way. Take care of the cars around you.
- The racer who has made a mistake and tries to get back on track must always take care of the cars approaching to his position. An unsafe entry to the racing line must always be prevented.
Only rule so far:
Intentional and rude behavoiur will not be tolerated and lead to an complete server and discord ban.
Examples for rude behaviour:
If we realize that further rules are necessary, then we will implement them.
Remember always:
If you want to finish first, you have to finish first!
recommended apps
Car Radar (v1.52):
It´s an app which simulates a Crew Chief and a Spotter.
recommended tools
Content Manager for Assetto Corsa:
Our main communication channel is our Discord Server.
Please follow:
Or just click the button in the right menu.
best wishes
We wish you some really good, intense and exciting races over the next weeks!
[THR]pitman & [THR]Harry