On Saturday the 15th of December 2018 we had our first THR race.
This means that THR will be 2 years old in a few days and we have experienced a lot in these two years:
First Race
Our first race was held with the GPL Mod at Silverstone and we had 4 Racers on track. Our race format in the first weeks was to run as many 20-minute races in a row as we were able to.
Our first regular driver was Ben Barson. Thanks a lot for showing that the community idea was not that bad.
Our AC server
The first races were hosted on Duderei's home server.
But we quickly moved to a professional hoster.
The first entry in our STracker Database is from 2018-12-25.
After that we changed the hoster 2 times until we moved to a rented LinuxMachine (Thanks Franglais) which runs the ServerManager and 5 AC-Servers.
Races in THR
Over the 2 years, 445 different drivers have raced on our servers.
They drove 28,101 laps and a total distance of 69,589 kilometers.
We had around 94 official events and many uncounted races around them.
We have completed 7 championships and 2 are still running.
Our former champions can be seen on the Wall of Champions.
The Discord Server has been set up on 2018-12-07.
Our first member besides Dude and me joined on 2018-12-14.
Currently we have 561 Members. Some of them are very quiet or bots, but no matter what time of day, there are always over 100 members online.
What I find crazy is that I have written 11,000 messages in Discord.
The Website followed a little later. The first entry is from 2019-01-17.
It contains 135 pages and 133 news and I wrote more than 32,000 Words.
Funfact: You will need around 3 hours to read them all.
To represent our races I have made 88 posters.
Our Website has more than 22,500 visits and more than 86,000 views.
The most successfull page ist the news page with 14,455 views, followed by the GPL Mod page with 11,217 views.
Nearly 1 year after our foundation we started our Youtube-Channel on 2019-02-17.
At first we started with a short PromoVideo which was made by Bo Stamper.
Another year later we started to stream our races and with the help of Klopstick and Ted we produced another brilliant PromoVideo which has been watched 673 times since then.
The channel contains more than 80 videos/streams and has 150 followers.
It was visited 6,000 times and more than 500 hours of our videos were viewed.
Social Media
Besides of the above we have a Facebook site, which get not much attention from our side, but has 127 followers, cause of the website news which get posted on Facebook automatically.
Also an unused Twitch Channel, an equally unused Instagram Account and some other cool things which I might have forgotten.
Organizational but cool things
We have developed many organizational things to improve the time with THR for our members and for the admins.
- a self scripted booking system realized with google apps script
(which has been taken out of service, cause of the ServerManager) - a skin upload system for the many THR custom skins (scripted by JirkaS)
- the THR-GPL one colored skins (made by Waffles and Technoluddite)
- the wider starting grids and track changes (like the family edition chicane at Monaco 1966) which were made by Waffles
- the community based incident review system
- etc., etc.
The most important > YOU
But the most important thing is the community that has grown up around THR.

I could never have imagined where we have arrived today (after 2 years), but it is still fun to invest time in THR.
It is fun to be connected with you and to race with you.
It was/is an honor to meet some people who are very well known in the world of simracing. For example Sergio Loro, Bazza, Dave Esotic, Fat-Alfie, Ilja aka x4fab, Chris Haye and many others.
THR eats tons of hours, but it feels like a success story.
I know that this only works cause of our members and it works cause I got support from you. It is also nice to see, that you help each other in Discord and that you respect each other.
I would also like to thank those who have made a donation via our Paypal Moneypool to us! That's great!
Thank you very much for helping me, for racing with us and/or being a part of [THR]!
Your [THR] pitman
I plan to celebrate the 2nd birthday and here is how:

(We will postpone the GPL and TCL championship for the birthday races.)