In many ways, the year was different than we all expected.
Corona cut us off from many of the things we were used to.
Fortunately, THR was almost unaffected by the restrictions. Therefore we were able to offer some normality and at least on the weekends we were able to pursue our favorite racing activity.
It was an exciting year for THR. We have had many great races, fought some championships and celebrated our second anniversary.
The last two events will certainly be remembered longer by the participants.
Currently, we are still in the midst of two championships that we won't wrap up until mid-February.
What will come after that, I don't know exactly yet, but it will most likely be longer races.
You may have noticed that we have moved from (the redirection works) to
I would have found exciting too, but the site belongs to a motorcycle workshop and I didn't dare to ask 😉
I would like to take this opportunity again to thank you all. The community is slowly growing and it's a lot of fun with you!
But I also noticed that THR steals more and more of my free time. I've spent many hours at nights trying not to neglect my family / work during the day.
So I'm glad about the little time off over the holidays and recharge my batteries for the new year.
Maybe next year we'll find solutions to take some of the load off me.
Thanks for the great time and the great races!
Thanks also to my wife, who gave me more free time than I deserved…
I wish you happy holidays and a happy, healthy new year 2021.