In two days we will finish our GPL championship.
At the same time, the TCL championship has ended.
You might be wondering what happens next in THR.
We have a lot of things planned behind the scenes and I would like to present them to you now.
In the next four weeks we will have some great racing and we want to use these weeks to test different things:
1. we want to test a new race format
Our previous race format (Qualifying 20 minutes, First Race 20 minutes, Second Race 20 Minutes with reversed grid) suited our community very well for a long time.
But due to the larger starting grids, the start into race 2 often becomes a problem.
That is why we have decided to get rid of the Reversed Grid races.
At the same time, the long races in Monza and Daytona have shown us that there is also a great fascination in driving longer races.
The drivers don't have to take so much risk and can study the opponents better and look for different lines.
Taking both reasons together, we want to try the following format:
Saturday 21 UTC: practice race - duration 1 hour
Sunday 21 UTC: championship race - duration 1 hour
In order not to make the race evenings too long at the weekend, the qualifying sessions will no longer take place directly before the races.
Instead, there will be continuous qualifying sessions on weekdays. Whenever you have time, you can run times that will be used as qualifying times for the weekend races.
That means, that we will have the same starting grid on Saturdays and Sundays.
2. we want to test which mods you like
2021-03-14 21 UTC
ACL GTL (all cars) at Thomson Road
1 hour race with 150% fuel usage
(Simulation time on the server will start at 16:00 and last until 22:00 o´clock.)

2021-03-21 21 UTC
DRM at Thomson Road (all cars)
1 hour race with 150% fuel usage
(Simulation time on the server will start at 16:00 and last until 22:00 o´clock.)

2021-03-28 21 UTC
GPLs at Horsma (only Matra-Ford MS7)
1 hour race with 100% fuel usage
(Simulation time on the server will start at 14:00 o´clock.)

2021-04-04 21 UTC
Lada at Grobnik (Lada 2101 + Lada 2105)
1 hour race with 100% fuel usage
(Simulation time on the server will start at 14:00 o´clock.)

3. we want to test whether ServerManager can implement these ideas
We have not yet been able to test some of the things described above with the ServerManager.
Therefore, the four weeks will help us to find out what we can configure in the future.
4. more Racing
Greg and franglais plan to offer races on weekdays.
After a first week of testing, they would like to give you (the members) the opportunity to suggest cars and tracks in a given Discord channel.
The best combination will then be determined via a member poll and driven on the following Wednesday…