Our member Waffles has made an interesting version of the historic Interlagos track. It is an Oval around the normal track.
The oval layout did exist in real life from 1957 to 1989.
The server is set up already.
Feel free to join, train and show your racing skill in Brazil.

event infos:
THR | Tarnhorn Racing | GPL67 MOD community | discord.me/THRacing
password: no server password
max number of racers: 24
cars: GPL MOD
track: Interlagos Oval by Waffles (1975)
THR skinpack: (It is mandatory cause of the TV Crew Van)
Install it before next weekends races.
event date:
SUNDAYS 2019-10 - 18+19+20
Start at 20 UTC each day!
Book your slot:
In a loop (Qualifying > 15 minutes, Race 1 > 20 minutes, Race 2 > 20 minutes with reversed starting grid).
We drive as long, as there are drivers on track.
Time Zone Converter for 20:00 UTC: