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THR Endurance – les 2.4 heures du Mans

The Kunos Trinity at Le Grand Circuit 1967
24 hours in 144 minutes

Update 2022-06-12

After yesterdays two pratice races (what a blast to go down the Hunaudières with more then 20 cars :star_struck: ) we have learned some things:

  • Day-/night transition was not active in the practice races. I found the reason and we definitely will have day-/night transition in todays race.
    To offer a possibility to test the Night, I have activated the transition on THR |1|.
  • The stream had many stutters.
    The reason is that the streaming machine is pretty old and I have to buy some new parts in the feature.
    I try to lower the settings and hope that it helps.
    Besides the stream I will record the race and upload that later.
  • Today we will have a commentator. @Microlin100 will be in #LIVE COMMENTARY channel.
    Would be nice if you don´t disturb him there, but if you like you can join the channel (while not being in the car ;.-)) to have an interview with him.
    Yesterday the idea came up to use it, to promote your community.
    Ok, but would be nice and fair if you also promote THR 😉
  • In case you like to talk with your community buddies during the race, we have set up voice channels for every community. (additional to the Voice Channels for every team)
  • The skinpack link is currently down. I have packed all the skins and uploaded it here:
    Skins which get uploaded after this message, can be downloaded manually from the #skin_upload channel.
  • The THR rules apply to the race tonight:
  • THR Race Control will monitor the first lap of the race and possible incidents reported by the drivers:
  • Instead of Point Penalties, Time Penalties will be used.
  • The race result stays unofficial until THR Race Control confirms it.
  • After the practice races we got asked about Teleporting back to pits.
    We have a rule for that:

Update 2022-06-11

  • added describing image about correct pitstops
  • Some drivers reached out to me, cause only one driver of the team is able to participate in the practice race today.
    Therefore we decided, that (only today) it is possible to do the driver swap with your teammate, or with yourself.
    Yourself means, drive into the pits, do the swap, leave the server and come back in. This counts for a driver swap.
    If Solo Drivers don´t do it this way, you get a penalty after the race.
    (This is only possible today. Tomorrow you need your teammate!)
  • We created Discord Voice Chat Channels for each team.
    You can find them by scrolling down the channels list on the left.
    The Channels are open for everyone, which made it easier to set them up.
    But I think we are grown ups and everyone stays in their own channel.

Update 2022-06-08

  • Valentin has fixed a sound bug of the Ferrari and the Porsche
    Download links can be found here.

Update 2022-06-07

  • We have a commentator for the race!
    That´s awesome!!!
    Thank you very much Microlin, for offering to comment our Endurance race!
    To give him some more information, every racer has to send a short text about himself via PM to [THR] pitman.
    The description can be a little longer. Something about your driving experience, or where you are from, or which great races you already have won.
    Something the commentator could use for his job...
  • Currently 21 teams are signed up for the 35 slots of the race. I know of a few more teams that will be signing up.
    That´s fantastic!
  • You can fill in Team Names in your registration if you like. For those, who have not done it yet, be creative and just send a PM to @pitman and he will update your registration.
  • Of course we race against each other, but it is explicitly allowed to share setups in #setups.
  • Single Download file for Substanding added.

Attached you can find an overview about the registrations and the missing information from the different teams.

This is important for me:
THR is not professional!

We are experienced in hosting events and we always try to do our best.
But this race with so many participants from different communities is also a test for us.

It may be that not everything runs smoothly. It can also be that we don't respond as quickly or find a solution immediately. But we try everything so that we can experience a great event together!

And if this test works well, we will organize similar events in the future. Why not drive in circles for 6 hours, or even longer 😉

[THR] pitman

Update 2022-06-06

Registration (will open on 2022-06-06)

You have to register as team of two drivers.

To be able to join the Qualifying and the race sessions, you have to register via this link:

After opening our ServerManager in your browser, check that you are on server THR |5| QUALI + RACE | while registering.

Register similar to the following example:

  • Use [THR] [VAC] [ASRL] [vA] as the prefix of your name/your teammates name.
  • Write your Team Tag into the Team line. It can be an indivual team name.
  • Put your and your teammates steam GUID into the field and divide them by a semicolon.

You or your teammate can join the Qualifying on server THR |5| with your car and skin immediately after registering.
In some cases it is necessary to wait for the next server restart, which occurs every 2 hours.
Only in rare cases you get the message "No slots available", then the Admins have to stop and restart the server.
Give us a short hint in #drivers chat in our Discord.


We drive the Kunos trinity, with slightly modified tank sizes to bop the cars over the 2.4 hours.

  • Ford GT40 (Kunos)
  • Ferrari 330 P4 (Download) [changes made by ValentinK]
    - bigger tank (140 instead of 114 liters)
    - new extension config with blinkers
    - sound bug fixed
  • Porsche 908 LH (Download) [changes made by ValentinK]
    - smaller tank (100 instead of 120 liters)
    - new extension config with blinkers
    - sound bug fixed
  • THR TV Van

Many THR members will use custom skins with THR logos for the race.
If VAC, ASRL, VA members want to do the same, they can follow this guide:

You can download the uploaded skins here:
Just copy and paste the links into Content Manager...


Le Grand Circuit (36 pitboxes)

Special Settings

Fuel Rate: 100%
Damage Multiplier: 75%
Tyre Wear Rate: 100%
Mandatory pitstop: It is up to you, how often you stop for refuling, new tyers, or repais, but you have to do one driver swap!


Real Penalty and SOL are mandatory, cause Real Penalty checks if they are installed and actived on your client. If not, you get kicked from the server.
You can check if everything works correctly by joining server THR |5 Qualifying + Race|

Schedule > 2022-06-06 - 2022-06-12


Use the following server to test the different cars at Deutschlandring.
(No registration is needed, to join the Testing Server. Just pick a car and get a randomly slected skin.)
THR | 1 | THRacing |


You can race qualifying laps from Monday to Sunday at any time.
Each team has one slot. Means only one of the teammembers can join the server and the other driver has to wait until this slot is open again.
The best laptime of the teams (no matter which teammate drove the time) counts.

We will close the Qualifying at 17 UTC on Sunday.
(The laptimes from Saturdays Qualifying and Races are not taken into account.)

The process of the registration is described above under Registration.
Only the best laps per driver from the following server will be used to create the starting grid.
THR | QUALI + RACE | THRacing |

An overview of the laptimes per driver can be found here:


Saturday 1800 UTC

Will be hosted on THR |4| WKDY RACES | THRacing |

Practice races, which can be used to train race skill and the driver swaps.
The starting grid for the races will be based on the qualifying which takes place just before race 1.

  • Qualifying Session: 30 minutes
  • Race 1: 1 hour [=60 minutes]
  • Race 2: 1 hour [=60 minutes] (first 10 positions start in reversed order)

You can stay on the server between the sessions.

Sunday 1800 UTC

Will be hostet on THR |5| QUALI+RACE | THRacing |

Official race based on the qualifying laptimes driven during the week.

  • Warmup Practice Session: 30 minutes
  • Race: 2.4 hours [=144 minutes]

You can stay on the server between the sessions.

Driver Swap

There is one driver swap mandatory in this race. You can to more if you like.
All other pitstops are normal pitstops, which can be done in your pitbox.

As mentioned above we use Real Penalty for the Driver swap logic.
This is how it works:

  1. Drive into the PITS and do not exceed the speed limit of 80 km/h! You must reduce the speed to a max of 80km/h before you enter the pitlane. (If you enter the pits too fast your team will be penalized);
  2. When you enter the pit lane, RED indicator will show "Drive to swap". That means you need to continue driving until you will see the "Swap possible" indicator. Because you do driver swap/change you do not need to change tyres or add fuel or stop in personal place of pit-stop.
  1. As soon "Stop to swap" indicator appears, stop the car at any place in the pitlane.
  1. As soon the car is fully stopped "Swap possible" indicator will appear. Now you are ready to exit  Assetto Corsa. 
  1. Now it is time for another driver from your team to connect to the race server. It is only possible to connect to the server when another driver disconnects from the server. There is no need to rush the change because there is an equal countdown of 180 seconds for everyone to complete the swap. The countdown starts when the driver clicks exit.
    The 180 seconds help to avoid giving users with faster computers an advantage.
  2. Load the setup and click drive as usual. Don't forget to load the setup you would like to use for your run, otherwise, the default setup will be loaded!)
  3. Please wait for the countdown "Pitlane time" to go out. This is the remaining swap time to make your swap valid. If you leave too soon you will be penalized by a time penalty of 30 seconds plus the remainder of the countdown. It is designed to equalize the connecting time of all participants. 
  1. Once you see "GO" it means swap is finished and you are ready to leave pitlane. You are able to leave your pit box before the timer goes to 0 but DO NOT leave the pit lane before
    the timer goes to 0.
  1. Drive out of the pits and be careful, not to cross the pit exit line, to be safe for upcoming cars.

You can checkout a demo video of the whole process here: 
Assetto Corsa - Real Penalty - Demo "Driver Swap" .

If you want to make a regular pit stop without driver swap, stop at your pit place and do a planned pit stop strategy that you set in your setup settings. There will be no need to wait for any timer.

The driver's stint time is not limited.

Driver swaps currently reset all vehicle damage, fuel status etc. There is no way around this that we know of.

Pitlane Speeding

It is no historical accurate to have a pitlane speeding, but it helps to avoid massive crashes, which might happen if drivers enter the pits at high speeds.
The AC pit limit is set to 80 km/h.
The Real Penalty pit limit is set to 85 km/h.
Be sure to be slower than 85 km/h when you enter the pitlane. AC will slow you down to 80 automatically.
When you enter the pitlane to fast, you receive a penalty.


  • Pitlane Speeding:
    - 85 to 100 km/h Drive Through
    - 100 to x km/h Stop and Go 10 Seconds
  • If a driver sets off before the minimum time during a Driver Swap, they will be given a penalty equal to the number of seconds left in the countdown plus 10 seconds. The penalty will be applied after the race.
  • If Driver A had a not taken penalty before he initiates the driver swap, the penalty time get converted into seconds and will be added to the Driver Swap time of 180 seconds.
  • You have 3 laps to serve a penalty. If you miss that, you get disqualified from the race.
    To serve it, stop somewhere in the pitlane, but not in your pitbox.
  • If you cant serve the penalty before the end of the race, the penalty seconds (+30 seconds) will be added to the result after the race.

moved start/finish line

Since we use RealPenalty for the swap, there was no need to move the start/finish line.


It is a difficult task for the AC Apps to show the correct gaps between the drivers. But as mentioned above Kunos F9 Timin App and Substanding Relative schould help while being in the car.

Your teammate can help by studying the livetimings of our ServerManager. We (and the developer of ServerManager) can´t guarantee that the Timings are correct, but the tests were promising.
Another ooption would be to follow our livestream on Youtube. The link will be posted in #drivers chat, when the stream goes online

We try to scan the earned penalties and post them in #drivers chat and/or announce them via voice chat.


Read our rules page here:


Our main communication channel is our Discord Server.
Please follow:
Or just click the button in the right menu.

It is not mandatory, but recommended, that you join Voice Chat during Qualifying and Races.

  • We invite the other communities members to join our Discord Voice Channel "Qualifying + Race" during the practice races on Saturday.
  • On Sunday (during the race), it makes sense for each group to use their own voice channels within THR Discord. This will help us to coordinate in case something goes wrong.
  • After the race we invite you all to join our Voice Channel "Outside Races (no PTT)" for a racetalk after the race.

Best wishes

We wish you all a really good, intense and exciting Endurance Race!


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