AC GT Legends at Deutschlandring
Update 2021-04-06
- We made a 42 pitboxes update to the track which can be downloaded here:
https://www.mediafire.com/file/4wn87sw1j8xylbt/deutchlandring_thr.7z/file - We no longer force the pitstop via a higher fuel rate. Instead of that we open a pit window from minute 10 to minute 59 for a mandatory pitstop. You have to refuel minimum 1 litre or change the tyres.
- Therefore, we can add the Porsche 911 RSR 1973 back into the lineup.
- THR will use custom skins with THR logos for the race.
If VAC members want to do the same, they can follow this guide:
https://thracing.de/community/custom-skins/make-and-use-a-custom-skin-in-thr-races/#post-17 - We invite the VAC members to join our Discord Voice Channel "Qualifying + Race" during the practice races on Saturday.
- On Sunday, each group stays in its own Discord Voice Channels during the race, but we invite the VAC members to join our Voice Channel "Outside Races (no PTT)" for a racetalk after the race.
Deutschlandring has only 30 pitboxes. 2 pitboxes are reserved for the camera vehicles of THR and VAC.
The remaining starting slots will be split evenly between THR and VAC, which result in 14 each.
(Waffles will add some pitboxes to Deutschlandring. So the numbers will change a little.)
THR will allocate the starting places as follows:
- 8 places will go to the drivers who set the fastest times on THR | 4 |.
- 4 places go to members who have been racing with us for a long time but are not among the first 8 places.
- 2 places will be drawn among the remaining drivers who have set times on THR | 4 |.
The allocation process on THR | 4 | starts today and lasts until Sunday 2021-04-04 20 UTC.
After the process we will announce the names of the participants.
Participants can then register for the race following the Registration information below.
Be sure, to use THR as your Team-Name and [THR] as the prefix for your name:

VAC-members, please follow the link below to register your slot.
Be sure, to use VAC as your Team-Name and [VAC] as the prefix for your name:

If you want to use custom skins, follow this guide:
Registration for the THR vs VAC race will open on 2021-04-05.
To join the Qualifying and Race-Servers, you have to register for the championship.
It is important to register via this link:
You must choose server THR | QUALI + RACE | for your registration.
If so, then you can join the Qualifying immediately after registering.
If you want to change your car, you can reregister, but you have to use the above link to get immediate access to the Qualifying Server.
On the following site you will find detailed installation information.
THR will use custom skins with THR logos for the race.
If VAC members want to do the same, they can follow this guide:
You can download the uploaded skins here:
Scroll down the channnel and copy and paste the links into Content Manager...
Deutschlandring (42 pitboxes)
Special Settings
Fuel Rate: 100%
Damage Multiplier: 75%
Tyre Ware Rate: 100%
Mandatory pitstop: Pitbox Window open from minute 10 to minute 59 for a mandatory pitstop.
You have to refuel minimum 1 litre or change the tyres.
Schedule > 2021-04-05 - 2021-04-11
Use the following server to test the different cars at Deutschlandring.
(No registration is needed, to join the Testing Server. Therefore you get a randomly slected skin.)
THR | 1 | THRacing | discord.me/THRacing
You can race qualifying laps from Monday to Sunday at any time.
I will close the Qualifying when I have time on Sunday. So the end of Qualifying may vary on this day.
(The laptimes from Saturdays Qualifying and Races are not taken into account.)
The process of the registration is described above under Registration.
Only the best laps per driver from the following server will be used to create the starting grid.
THR | QUALI + RACE | THRacing | discord.me/THRacing
An overview of the laptimes per driver can be found here:
Saturday 1930 UTC
Practice races.
The starting grid for the races will be based on the qualifying which takes place just before the races.
- Qualifying Session: 30 minutes
- Race 1: 30 minutes
- Race 2: 30 minutes
You can stay on the server between the sessions.
Sunday 1930 UTC
Official race based on the qualifying laptimes driven during the week.
- Practice Session: 30 minutes
- Race: 60 minutes
You can stay on the server between the sessions.
Races against GTFR
Detailed information about the races against GTFR will be released in the next weeks.