Technoluddite´s race images
21:00 UTC, Friday, On the Practice server, No booking
21:00 UTC, Saturday, Practice race, On the race server, Booking
21:00 UTC, Sunday, Points race, On the race server, Booking
Please stay in the same classes as you picked for the first race, but feel free to change cars within that class.
Class 1: Mustang, 2000GT, Healey
Class 2: Everything else from the 60s pack
If you cant remember, I put them below 🙂
Duderei 1
Technoluddite 1
vegaguy 1
Ether 1
pitman 1
octavio67 1
MonSpaNur 1
Franglais 1
Ted Hough 2
Nat_Stevenson 2
Willian 2
Harry 2
Simon Meisinger 2
dalbi14 2
JirkaS 2
Bo Stamper 2
kuanza 2
klopstick 2
Practice server
Race server
All mods are on this site.
Good racing and have fun!