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Maddie did it again

F1 1975 at Montreal - Race Weekend 6/6

She was not able to win yesteday, but she dominted the championship.

In the last race we had some new starters in the field, who put their stamp on the race.

Sam Carpenter won his first THR race directly.
Fred Bawden has already raced at THR a few times and finished the race in 3rd place.

Maddie Shepherd, was unable to win yesterday's race, but secured the THR F1 Championship title after a dominant season.

margar finished on P4 which let him finish the season on Position 2.

pitman secured 3rd place in the championship after a difficult race in which he finished just behind his direct rivals.


Sam Carpenter
Maddie Shepherd
Fred Bawden

Detailed Race Results

Championship Winners

Maddie Shepherd

Live stream from the race:

Final standings (Verification by Race Control is still pending.)


Quotes from our members

Just watched the first laps of the race. That was... intense.

Alexandre Simões

Congrats to the winners and podium finishers of the race!

And many thanks to every participant. It was a pleasure to have you on track!
(There are some open incidents which might inflict the results afterwards.)

The detailed standings (including the given penalties) can be found here:

For more information about the Championship itself follow this link:

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