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Support THR on Patreon

In the last months a couple of drivers suggested to set up a Patreon page for THR.

THR offers a permanent service and regular events, which creates ongoing costs:

  • the server cost per month
  • the webspace cost per month
  • the hardware for the streaming machine
  • lottery prices for championship participants
  • the many hours pitman puts into running THR
  • etc.

Patreon offers the possibility of a monthly donation.
If any of you would like to support THR on a regular basis, you can do so via Patreon.

In addition to the feeling of supporting our THR community, Patreons will receive some small benefits

  • a special logo which can be used on their custom skins
  • the Patreon role in Discord and access to the Patreon channel

I'm thinking about other benefits. If you have good ideas, feel free to contact me!

I have also added the link to the Patreon Page to our Paypal-Donation Page on the Website.

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