2021 was also different from what we all imagined.
Corona still cuts us off from many of the things we were used to.
Fortunately, THR was almost unaffected by the restrictions.
Therefore we were able to offer some normality and at least on the weekends we were able to pursue our favorite racing activity.
Throughout the year, we had a very good participation in our races!
And it was another exciting year for THR.
We have exceeded the number of 1.000 members in Discord.
Our Youtube Channel has 285 followers. (btw > can we reach 300 until the end of the year?)
More than 300 users have subsribed to our website, and 294 people follow our Facebook News.
We have had many great races, celebrated our third anniversary and fought some championships.
The anniversary races (Event 1, Event 2) felt really good and they will certainly be remembered longer by the participants.
Currently, we are still in the midst of two championships (GPL 5 and AC GTC) that we won't wrap up until mid-February.
Our fixed schedule:

What will come after that?
I don't know exactly yet, but the 1975 Formula 1 cars from Bazza, the IMSA cars from VRC and the TransAm Pack from Bazza could play a role.
ServerManager has helped me reduce the workload a bit, but THR still means a lot of work for me.
It sometimes feels like a "burden" to set up races every week and plan throughout the year, but overall it feels like it's still worth it.
So, I would like to take this opportunity again to thank you all.
The community is still growing and it's a lot of fun with you!
Many thanks to you for being a member of THR.
I wish you happy holidays and a happy, healthy new year 2022!
See you on track next year!