On the upcoming weekend we have the 3rd race of our F1 75 championship at Buenos Aires.
We already have 17 booked slots, but I hope for many more racers on track.
The weekend after we have the "THR Supporters Race".
It is time to reveal the details:
Over the last 3 1/2 years some of you decided to support THR via a Paypal donation, a Patreon membership, a goodie from our shop or by using the affiliate links. support-thr thr-shop affiliate-links
Your support helped THR to rent the servers, to host the website, to update the streaming hardware, to send out lottery prizes to our championship participants, etc.
The upcoming "THR Supporter race" is meant as a "Big Thank you" to all our supporters!
Every supporter got a role (Patreon or Donator) in our Discord, which gives access to a normally hidden channel. If I have forgotten someone, please send me a PM.
Next week we will publish a password in that channels. This password will offer the possibility to participate in the "Supporter Race".
As a part of the Supporters race we will award 3 lottery prices from our THR Shop!
About the race:
We race the GPL Mod at Oulton park.
Oulton Park is a great choice! It was not part of the 1967 F1 championship, but they raced the track twice in that year.
The "Daily Express Spring Cup" in April and the "International Gold Cup" in September.
There is a vintage version available, but the track mesh was undrivable. Luckily there is also a more modern version available, which still uses the same layout.
I removed some holes from the track mesh, made it smoother and removed the modern objects around the track.
The idea of the race is, to have a more balanced field than in our previous GPL races.
One side effect will be that we will see the slower cars on tracks that are normally never chosen.
The following chart shows, how we want to achieve that.

You can check your current ACSR ratings here:
The track, the cars and the idea to mix it all up is set.
I really hope for a great event!