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TCL 60s Championship II at Deutschlandring – Race Weekend 8/8

Podium - Class A | Race 1 and Race 2

pitmanValentin Knechtel
Valentin Knechtelpitman

Podium - Class B | Race 1 and Race 2

GasklepAnthony Ruffat
Nat StevensonGerard Clementine
Anthony RuffatNat Stevenson

Detailed Result - Qualifying
Detailed Result - Race 1
Detailed Result - Race 2

Live stream from the race

Please excuse the stuttering in the video. We have upgraded our streaming pc some weeks after this race.

Quotes from our members race reports

gg all. Congrats Anthony on Race 2. Nice racing.

Nat Stevenson

Intense races ! But what a frustration to see these damn Mustang go away in the straight line...


Thank you very much and congratulations to you, it was very hard to keep you behind me haha..

Anthony Ruffat

thanks for the battles @Steve Hayward @Flow @Rolf Biber most fun i have had this season


GREAT! JUHU! First wind since a longer time. Tastes good.


Congrats to the winners and podium finishers of the race!

And many thanks to every participant. It was a pleasure to have you on track!
(There are some open incidents which might inflict the results afterwards.)

The detailed standings (including the given penalties) can be found here:

For more information about the Championship itself follow this link:
60s Touring Car Legends Championship

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