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THR changes onboarding process

Starting with the upcoming championships we will change the procedure a little bit:

From now on there are 2 entries per championship in the ServerManager under the menu item "Championships".
One entry for the Practice Events on Saturday, a second entry for the Main Event race on Sunday.

If you want to participate on both days, you have to register twice from now on.

After the Sunday race I will delete the registrations again and you have to register for the next week.

Why we do this:

Over the past few months, we've noticed from time to time that new members have joined THR and immediately participated in the Sunday Main Event races.

Since we want to be a beginner friendly community, this is usually ok.

Unfortunately, there were races where it quickly became clear that the new members were not ready for the combination of car and track.

Therefore, we are changing our onboarding process. Members joining THR should first participate in wkdy races (Wednesdays) or practice event races (Saturdays), so that we can see if a direct participation in the championship race on Sunday makes sense. Also the participation in the THR Academy can give us helpful information.
If we determine that a new member is race fit, then we will give the okay for the Main Event race on Sunday.

We are aware that this means more work for us and we will learn in the next few weeks how to deal with it in the best way.

If you can't participate in the described events and/or you think you are experienced enough, you can do the following:

Advantages of the new process

  • racers can prove their eligibility before participating in the Main Event races on Sunday
  • in addition to the Sunday races, the number of racers registered for the Saturday races is now also visible in #available-slots
  • we don't need a summary championship anymore, because the Saturday races are stored separately


  • you have to register twice if you want to race on Saturday and Sunday

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