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At the heart of an electrifying race, the circuit bore witness to a dramatic battle for supremacy among the top drivers, each vying for the coveted top positions. The initial grid was led by Simone Porcu in the Lotus 49, with Phil Noobson in the Ferrari 312 and Pete Bondurant, also in a Lotus 49, following closely. This set the stage for a thrilling contest that unfolded over the laps that followed.

Throughout the race, the lead changed hands multiple times, with each driver showcasing their skills and strategy to gain an advantage. Simone Porcu, starting from pole position, demonstrated exceptional control and pace, managing to fend off challenges and maintain a significant presence at the forefront of the race. His performance was not just about speed but also about consistency, which was evident in his fastest lap of 1:44.967, a testament to his exceptional driving prowess.

Pete Bondurant, who started third, put up a fierce fight, pushing his Lotus 49 to its limits. His determination was visible in his relentless pursuit of the leader, marked by his best lap time of 1:45.234. Bondurant's strategy and skill allowed him to navigate the track's complexities with precision, ensuring he remained a constant threat to the leaders.

Florian Masse, in the Ferrari 312, displayed a commendable performance, climbing from his starting position to secure a place among the top finishers. His race was characterized by strategic overtaking and consistent lap times, with his best lap being 1:45.740. Masse's ability to maintain his pace and capitalize on opportunities as they arose was crucial to his success in the race.

Stefano Bucci, also behind the wheel of a Lotus 49, showcased his racing acumen by making significant gains during the race. Starting further down the grid, Bucci's aggressive yet calculated approach saw him navigating through the field to finish among the top competitors. His best lap time of 1:45.661 was indicative of his speed and ability to keep up with the front runners.

Pitman, piloting another Lotus 49, rounded out the top finishers with a commendable drive. Starting from a mid-field position, Pitman's consistent performance and strategic decisions on the track saw him making up positions to finish in a commendable place. His best lap time of 1:45.869 highlighted his capability to compete at the highest level.

This race was not just about speed but also about the strategic nuances that come with motorsport. Each driver's approach to tire management, pit stops, and overtaking played a significant role in their final standings. The race was a testament to the skill, strategy, and sheer determination of the drivers, making it a memorable event for fans and participants alike.

The summary table below encapsulates the triumphs and challenges of the top 5 finishers, offering a snapshot of their performance in this gripping race:

NameCarTotal TimeBest Lap
Simone PorcuLotus 4960:12.5191:44.967
Pete BondurantLotus 4960:19.4491:45.234
Florian MasseFerrari 31260:30.3821:45.740
Stefano BucciLotus 4960:33.8991:45.661
PitmanLotus 4960:34.4771:45.869

This table reflects not only their achievements in terms of timing but also their resilience and adaptability in the face of the dynamic challenges presented by the race.

The Brands Hatch Circuit was the battleground for the electrifying inaugural race of the WSC Championship, drawing fans and enthusiasts to witness the clash of the titans in the Prototype 2 class, featuring marvels like the Chevron B8 FVA, Nissan R380 II, and Porsche 906E. The legendary circuit, provided a fitting arena for the high-speed duel, encapsulating the essence of vintage racing with a modern twist.

From the starting grid, the air was thick with anticipation as 27 drivers, with the likes of Adam Keefe, Parrilla, FMG, and Valentin Knechtel, revved their engines, eyeing the coveted podium spots. The track, spanning 3.888 km, was set for a 60-minute showdown under clear skies, with a gentle breeze setting the stage for a race that would be etched in the annals of the WSC Championship.

The Podium Titans

Adam Keefe, displaying a masterclass in precision and control, surged past the competition to clinch the top spot. His performance was a blend of raw speed and tactical prowess, ensuring his name would be the first engraved in the WSC Championship legacy.

Parrilla followed closely, securing the second position with a drive that was nothing short of spectacular. His ability to navigate the twists and turns of the Brands Hatch Circuit, while keeping the pressure on Keefe, was a testament to his skill and determination.

FMG rounded out the top three, showcasing resilience and consistency. Despite the challenges, FMG's strategic maneuvers and adept handling of the vehicle ensured a place on the podium, highlighting the competitive spirit that defines the WSC Championship.

Valentin Knechtel, despite setting the fastest lap with a blistering time of 01:36.571, encountered challenges that tested his mettle, ultimately securing the fourth position. His performance, marked by moments of brilliance, set the stage for a thrilling rivalry in the races to come.

Looking Forward

The inaugural race of the WSC Championship at Brands Hatch was a thrilling opener that had everything from edge-of-your-seat overtakes to the heartbreak of mechanical failures. As the dust settles on the track, the focus shifts to the upcoming races, with fans and competitors alike eager for more high-speed action. The podium finishers have set a high bar, but in the world of racing, every new race is an opportunity for glory. The WSC Championship is poised to be a battleground for the fastest and the bravest, where legends are made and dreams are either realized or shattered in the blink of an eye.

Race Results
Top Cup:
Casual Cup:

Driver Championship

1Adam Keefe40

Team Championship

1Orgallied Racing59
2Ecurie Blue Arrows54
3TH Racing41

Complete Standings
Casual Cup:

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You have already gotten the teaser, now the detailed information follows.


Follow this link to find the detailed information about our next Championship.


THR is very pleased that SHH-Shifter has provided a Thorn Shifter as a prize for the 70s GTR Championship.

After we finished the championship on Sunday, we held the raffle last night.

All drivers who were on the track for at least 4 of the 6 race weekends were eligible to enter.

After the wheel of fortune was started, everyone waited anxiously to see where the wheel would stop.

And in the end, Flashor was lucky .

Congratulations on your win and many many thanks to SHH Shifter for donating the prize!

The GTR 70s Main Championship, hosted by THR, has concluded, leaving an indelible mark on the world of vintage sim racing. This championship, tailored for pro drivers, was a battleground where skill, strategy, and sportsmanship were paramount. The competitors, reminiscent of the gentleman drivers of yore, fought tooth and nail for every position, yet maintained a level of respect and camaraderie that elevated the competition beyond a mere race for points.

The series spanned six iconic circuits: Fuji, Interlagos, VIR, Norisring, Silverstone, and Bathurst, each contributing its unique challenges and opportunities for the drivers to showcase their prowess behind the wheel. The points system rewarded consistency and excellence, pushing the drivers to perform their best at every turn.

FMG, piloting the Nissan GT-R 2000, emerged as the champion, a beacon of consistency and skill throughout the series. With victories in the first four races and strong finishes in the subsequent ones, FMG amassed a total of 194 points. This remarkable achievement was a testament to FMG's mastery of the tracks and the Nissan GT-R 2000, marking him as a formidable competitor in the sim racing arena.

SDH-M - Happykojot, in the Detomaso Pantera, showcased a blend of strategic racing and raw talent, securing the second spot with 170 points. Happykojot's performance was highlighted by a series of podium finishes and a remarkable ability to navigate the complexities of each circuit, demonstrating the fierce but fair competition that defined the championship.

Tyler Van Beek, driving the Porsche RSR 74, provided some of the most thrilling moments of the championship. Despite a no-point start at Fuji, Van Beek's determination and skill saw him climbing the ranks to finish third overall with 167 points, a testament to his resilience and racing acumen.

Valentin Knechtel and Flashor, in the BMW CSL 3.0 and Nissan GT-R 2000 respectively, also delivered outstanding performances. Knechtel's consistent top-five finishes earned him a commendable 157 points, while Flashor's aggressive yet calculated driving netted him 150 points, showcasing the depth of talent within the championship.

The championship saw remarkable comebacks and displays of skill, such as Felix789 in the Ford Capri RS3100, who, despite missing several races, managed to secure a third place at Norisring and a notable winning at Silverstone, underlining the unpredictability and excitement of sim racing.

The GTR 70s Main Championship was not just a series of races; it was a celebration of the golden era of racing, brought to life by a community of drivers who share a passion for competition and respect. The championship highlighted the enduring appeal of vintage racing, the thrill of the competition, and the unbreakable spirit of sportsmanship that transcends the virtual and real-world racing divide. As we look back on the intense battles, strategic masterstrokes, and moments of sheer racing joy, the GTR 70s Main Championship stands as a beacon of what sim racing can offer - a platform where the past and present merge in a symphony of speed, skill, and respect.

Detailed Results from every Race Weekend can be found here:

All Races can be rewatched via this playlist:

The GTR 70 Casual Cup was more than a championship; it was a festival of vintage racing, where the beauty of classic cars and the passion for racing brought together a community. It highlighted that in the world of sim racing, the joy of participation, the excitement of the race, and the bonds formed on the virtual tracks are what truly matter. As the engines quiet down and the drivers reflect on their experiences, the GTR 70 Casual Cup stands as a testament to the enduring charm of casual racing and the timeless allure of battling for positions, not just for points, but for the love of the sport.

The GTR 70 Casual Cup, hosted by THR, was a delightful event that stood out in the virtual racing world, not just for its competitive edge but more so for its emphasis on fun, camaraderie, and the sheer joy of racing. This championship was a haven for casual drivers, a space where the thrill of the race and the love for vintage cars took precedence over fierce competitiveness.

Spanning across some of the most iconic circuits in racing history—Fuji, Interlagos, VIR, Norisring, Silverstone, and Bathurst—each track brought its unique challenges and excitement to the series, testing the drivers' skills and adaptability. Yet, the overriding atmosphere remained one of enjoyment and friendly rivalry.

Torsten Behle, piloting the Porsche RSR 74, emerged as the embodiment of consistency and skill, clinching the top spot with an impressive tally of 197 points. Behle's performance was a masterclass in racing, securing victories in the first four races and demonstrating the spirit of the Casual Cup—racing hard while enjoying every moment on the track.

Falling Falcon, also behind the wheel of a Porsche RSR 74, provided some of the most memorable moments of the series. With a total of 176 points, Falcon's journey was marked by determination and a steady climb up the ranks, showcasing the essence of casual racing where every lap is about the thrill of the chase and the joy of the drive.

Luigi Bingo brought diversity to the podium with the Detomaso Pantera, amassing 155 points. Bingo's performance was a testament to the competitive yet friendly nature of the Cup, where drivers pushed each other to their limits, all in the spirit of good fun.

The championship also saw spirited performances from drivers like Jack Ihix, Hurr Durst, and others, each adding their unique flair to the races. Whether it was battling for positions, recovering from setbacks, or simply enjoying the ride, every participant contributed to the vibrant tapestry of the GTR 70 Casual Cup.

Notably, the Cup wasn't just about the frontrunners. Drivers like Beneharo Dorta Méndez, Torbjörn Bloom, and others, despite facing challenges like DNS (Did Not Start) entries, remained part of the heart and soul of the championship, embodying the casual racer's indomitable spirit.

Detailed Results from every Race Weekend can be found here:

The GTR 70 Casual Cup was more than a championship; it was a festival of vintage racing, where the beauty of classic cars and the passion for racing brought together a community. It highlighted that in the world of sim racing, the joy of participation, the excitement of the race, and the bonds formed on the virtual tracks are what truly matter. As the engines quiet down and the drivers reflect on their experiences, the GTR 70 Casual Cup stands as a testament to the enduring charm of casual racing and the timeless allure of battling for positions, not just for points, but for the love of the sport.

Is there anything that pairs more perfectly with the nostalgia of vintage sim racing than a classic H-shifter?

Some weeks ago SHH published there newest product. THORN.
The THORN is the new SHH Shifter. Sixth evolution and fully renovated. A completely new shifter in the mechanical part (no need for sequential plate anymore!), shorter travel in SEQ mode, new electronics and new types of H plates available.

In a thrilling update from our last chat, SHH has upped the ante by offering not one, but two THORN shifters! The first of these gems will be up for grabs after the grand finale of our GTR Championship.

Here's the deal: racers who've revved their engines through at least 4 of the 6 adrenaline-pumping race weekends will find themselves in the raffle for this spectacular prize draw.

And for those speedsters who already boast a top-tier shifter or simply don't need a new addition to their racing rig, there's a chance to play the hero. By stepping back, you'll not only pass the baton but also boost the odds for your fellow competitors to clinch this covetable prize.

Many many thanks to SSH!

Learn more about SHH and their sponsorship for prizes at THR.

The 2024 season of historic Assetto Corsa simracing at THR started on 21st January 2024 with the biggest endurance race in THR history. An enormous field of 114 drivers from 6 communities shared 48 Prototype race cars from the mid-1960's and embarked on a grueling 6 hour race with two classes around a period-correct representation of the world's most famous endurance race track. Using a quadruple time progression multiplier, participants got a compressed taste of what it would feel like to conduct a 24 hour race.

A huge thank you goes out from the entire THRacing team to our friends and fellow competitors that joined us on track from the following communities:

  • Cockpit Racing Simulation (CRS)
  • Revival Series (RS)
  • VintageAC (VAC)
  • Virtual Racing e.V. (VR)
  • virtueller Asphalt (vA)
  • ... and teams from several other communities who joined on short notice

Our special thanks in particular go to:

  • Gero from the Virtual Racing e.V. community (VR) for making the German live broadcast possible, and to Dennis, Guido, Florian and Sebastian from VR for entertaining the German-speaking audience with their awesome German live broadcast with interviews
  • Syndicate Motorsports community for stepping in 4 days before the event to make an English live broadcast possible, wherein PirateLaserBeam and King-Kodiak entertained the international audience with a great English live broadcast that even bridged the delay with a hugely creative pre-event coverage, as well as conducting a lot of exciting interviews including the victory lane interviews
  • All participants and broadcasters for staying with us throughout the 1:42h delay caused by technical issues before we all finally managed to get underway and had an amazing race together, both on and off the track
  • 3DRAP for kindly sponsoring the post-race raffle

ALL OF YOU made this evening special for us!

THR Orga Team

[Continue reading for the full report on the event with plenty of screenshots, videos & official results]

...continue reading "Official Report: THR 6 Heures du Mans 2024"

Triumph and Turmoil: The Bremgarten Saga Unfolds in THR's 6th GPL Championship

As the engines roared to life at the historic Bremgarten circuit in Bern, Switzerland, the stage was set for the 5th of 9 adrenaline-fueled race weekends marking THR's 6th GPL Championship. The 7.274 km track, notorious for its unforgiving turns and exhilarating straights, was the battleground for a diverse grid of 1967 racing legends: 8 Lotus 49s, a solo Honda RA300, a McLaren M5A, an Eagle T1G, and 4 Ferrari 312s, each poised for glory under the clear Swiss skies, with only the wind at 9.0 kph for company.

From the get-go, the starting grid read like a who's who of virtual racing royalty. Simone Porcu, in pole position, led the charge in his Lotus 49, with Pete Bondurant and Stefano Bucci hot on his heels, igniting a fierce contest that had spectators on the edge of their seats. The stage was rife with potential for both triumph and heartbreak, as drivers like Phil Noobson and Adam Keefe sought to carve their names into the annals of THR history.

The race was a dramatic symphony of speed, strategy, and the relentless pursuit of perfection. Simone Porcu, with a performance that was nothing short of majestic, dominated lap after lap, maintaining the lead with the poise and precision of a seasoned maestro, culminating in the fastest lap of the race, clocked at an awe-inspiring 1:59.509.

Yet, the race was not without its share of turmoil. Technical issues and repairs forced several unscheduled pit stops, turning strategies on their heads and testing the resilience of the competitors. Stefano Bucci, Florian Masse, FMG, Elia Porcu, Mika Hakala, and pitman, each faced their own battles against fate, with pit stops that were a testament to their relentless spirit, albeit not part of the planned race strategy.

The track claimed its share of contenders, with heavy crashes sidelining some of the fiercest competitors, a stark reminder of the razor-thin margin between glory and despair in the world of high-speed racing.

As the dust settled, the race at Bremgarten was not just a display of raw speed, but a narrative of human endeavor, mechanical marvels, and the unpredictable drama that is the essence of THR's GPL Championship. With four more race weekends on the horizon, the championship is wide open, a tantalizing prospect for racers and fans alike, eagerly awaiting the next chapter in this electrifying saga.