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THR continues to work on improving the onboarding process for new community members.

The first step was that new members can no longer immediately participate in the main event races on Sunday, but should first go through a process.

Second step is that we provide clearly organized information that makes it easier to get started with THR.
This information can now be found for new (and old members) in the channel #info-and-help and in a better readable form here:

We also set up an FAQ which can be found in the new #faq channel and also in a better readable form here:

Our website now also has prominent links to the new content in the menu under the THR-tab.

Many thanks to @margar17 for putting this information together so cleanly!

We had an interesting start into a new championship...


Nat Stevenson

Detailed Race Results

Live stream from the race:

YouTube player

Quotes from our members race reports

it's me ! It was my 1st championship race here and had a lot of fun ! I wasn't sure also that it was the end, so I continued racing for one more lap


nice first race for me ! just the start a bit crazy


Nice finish Davidgrundström. I felt a bit guilty for how much time I cost you with four tires on 0% remaining life/grip.


congratulations guys for the podium .. despite my commitment I could not drive this car at my best and I could not have a good race .. I fought with someone but I don't know who it was ... it was fun anyway

Simone Porcu

Crazy pace by @margar17 once again, I saw him creeping up in my mirrors and decided it was best not to fight him as he's just an alien.


I did a pretty stupid mistake in T1 and just lost the rear. Gladly it seems no one else really suffered from that mistake. I was not locked in the pits. I just was last after T1, as I needed to let the whole field past. before I could rejoin the track.. This was one of the most entertaining races I had. Some great battles with lots of you guys!


Congrats to the winners and podium finishers of the race!

And many thanks to every participant. It was a pleasure to have you on track!
(There are some open incidents which might inflict the results afterwards.)

The detailed standings (including the given penalties) can be found here:

For more information about the Championship itself follow this link:
Audi 90 GTO Championship

Since the foundation of THR we have been constantly trying to evolve.

Therefore, before the start of the new championships, we refine the following three THR racing rules:

Starting with the upcoming championships we will change the procedure a little bit:

From now on there are 2 entries per championship in the ServerManager under the menu item "Championships".
One entry for the Practice Events on Saturday, a second entry for the Main Event race on Sunday.

If you want to participate on both days, you have to register twice from now on.

After the Sunday race I will delete the registrations again and you have to register for the next week.

Why we do this:

Over the past few months, we've noticed from time to time that new members have joined THR and immediately participated in the Sunday Main Event races.

Since we want to be a beginner friendly community, this is usually ok.

Unfortunately, there were races where it quickly became clear that the new members were not ready for the combination of car and track.

Therefore, we are changing our onboarding process. Members joining THR should first participate in wkdy races (Wednesdays) or practice event races (Saturdays), so that we can see if a direct participation in the championship race on Sunday makes sense. Also the participation in the THR Academy can give us helpful information.
If we determine that a new member is race fit, then we will give the okay for the Main Event race on Sunday.

We are aware that this means more work for us and we will learn in the next few weeks how to deal with it in the best way.

If you can't participate in the described events and/or you think you are experienced enough, you can do the following:

Advantages of the new process

  • racers can prove their eligibility before participating in the Main Event races on Sunday
  • in addition to the Sunday races, the number of racers registered for the Saturday races is now also visible in #available-slots
  • we don't need a summary championship anymore, because the Saturday races are stored separately


  • you have to register twice if you want to race on Saturday and Sunday

We go back to the Golden Age of Grand Prix Racing.
To be more precise, we go back to 1923, a time when races sometimes lasted longer than 7 hours. A time when racers competed on paved or gravel tracks. A time when there was no concern for the safety of the drivers.
A time when real heroes were sitting behind the steering wheels.

To celebrate this time, we have chosen two tracks on which we will drive the 1923 GP cars.



Opel Rennbahn
Here is an article directly from the Opel website. Including an interview with the Thomas Lächele, who brought the track back to life:

Lost Heaven (The track from Mafia)


Ernest Friderich practicing in the Bugatti Type 32 for the French GP

1923 Gran Prix Cars

All files from here:
Install this fix manually after installing the other downloads first:
"1923 pack - camera fix, rainfx data, Delage AI fix 1.0"

Race Format

Opel Rennbahn
1st Qualifying > 10 minutes
1st Race > 30 minutes
Lost Heaven
2nd Qualifying > 10 minutes
2nd Race > 30 minutes

The week after we start with two new championships.

First championship - First title

In a thrilling title fight Simone Porcu prevailed in the last race against Maddie Shepherd.

Maddie won the last race, but Simone crossed the finish line in 4th place to secure the championship win.

Second place thus went to Maddie, who raced in the Honda at the beginning of the championship and repeatedly showed her skills.

pitman also had a good season, but was rarely able to match the speed of the first two. Nevertheless, he finished the season with a good third place.


Maddie Shepherd
Philip Kraus
Stefano Bucci

Championship Winners

Simone Porcu
Maddie Shepherd

Detailed Race Results

Live stream from the race:

YouTube player

Quotes from our members race reports

Congratulations to Maddie, Philip and Stefano! @gilvil77 this will be close!

Phil Noobson

thank you very much ,,, everyone for the fight and the fun … you are special

Simone Porcu

glad I put in an extra liter before that race

Maddie Shepherd

Congrats to the winners and podium finishers of the race!

And many thanks to every participant. It was a pleasure to have you on track!
(There are some open incidents which might inflict the results afterwards.)

The detailed standings (including the given penalties) can be found here:

For more information about the Championship itself follow this link:

We have a new champion

After an exciting season, margar17 was able to win the competition with his Porsche 906.

margar17 was the dominant racer of the season. In addition to two second places, he won two of the six races and thus secured the title in superior fashion.

The race for second place was closer.
Flashor achieved the same number of points as Valentin Knechtel, but was able to enjoy second place due to the better placings. Third place accordingly went to Valentin.


Philip Kraus
Valentin Knechtel

Championship Winners

Valentin Knechtel

Detailed Race Results

Live stream from the race:

YouTube player

Quotes from our members race reports

@Mika Hakala fantastic battle, Mika!! So clean
What an amazing championship, these combos are absolutely incredible!!

Dani Martinez

congrats to everyone for taking part in this championship and making it a great one.


Great battle Philip, one of the best in my life


Congrats on the win, Philip. Nice run to P2, Flashor


Thank you guys for making my first thr season so wonderful!


Ok, that was overall an excellent experience for my first season with you guys.

Steve Hayward

Congrats to the winners and podium finishers of the race!

And many thanks to every participant. It was a pleasure to have you on track!
(There are some open incidents which might inflict the results afterwards.)

The detailed standings (including the given penalties) can be found here:

For more information about the Championship itself follow this link:
ACL GTC Championship


Simone Porcu
Phil Noobson
Stefano Bucci

Detailed Race Results

Live stream from the race:

YouTube player

Quotes from our members race reports

grats podium


One of the best tracks there is.


Congrats on 2nd @Phil Noobson

Maddie Shepherd

Congrats to the winners and podium finishers of the race!

And many thanks to every participant. It was a pleasure to have you on track!
(There are some open incidents which might inflict the results afterwards.)

The detailed standings (including the given penalties) can be found here:

For more information about the Championship itself follow this link:


Valentin Knechtel

Detailed Race Results

Live stream from the race:

YouTube player

Quotes from our members race reports

So close Maddie, one more lap and you would've got me.


well done podium, flashor you must have worked hard to get that. very close margar and valentin.


Great race all - that was intense. Especially that 4-way fight with Maddie, Gilvil and Andi - holy crap!


Thanks all for the great race. The track is unbelievably intense!


Oh mate it was amazing in that midfield! Shame I bottled it in the hairpin haha.


Congrats to the winners and podium finishers of the race!

And many thanks to every participant. It was a pleasure to have you on track!
(There are some open incidents which might inflict the results afterwards.)

The detailed standings (including the given penalties) can be found here:

For more information about the Championship itself follow this link:
ACL GTC Championship