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I think the community liked the winner shirt and the one for the fairest driver we gave away for the Daytona race.

But to be able to do something like this more often, we need some income.

On the one hand we have various monthly costs:

  • server
  • website
  • shop
  • And I myself have recently invested in the streaming computer and the necessary licenses.

On the other hand we have the paypal donations and now and then a sold shirt from our shop.

Beyond that, I see more costs coming in the future:

  • Moving from a rented virtual server to our own physical server.
  • Adding more new racing sims.
  • The ServerManager may also be monetized at some point.
  • And so on.

I want [THR] to be prepared for this and become more "independent."

So I looked at how other communities do it:
There are sometimes monthly fees or entry fees for championships, or big calls to reach donation goals.

But I don't want that for [THR].

Therefore I had the idea to use partner programs.

On the above page I have set up a few partners.
If you buy products from these partners, [THR] will get a small provision.

If you support us this way, we can reinvest the money in [THR].

Thank you very much in advance for supporting your community!

Nordschleife in Germany >>> Mosport in Canada

I had to get from Germany to Canada within a week.
Unfortunately, my boss didn't give me enough money to fly over.

Instead, I had to travel by ship.

On the ship I unfortunately had no possibility to telegraph my report, therefore I can publish the Racereport not earlier than today.

In the last week there were some daring drivers who faced the longest and most dangerous race track of this year's championship.

After 80 minutes of qualifying, the spectators saw two phenomenal races.
There were many remarkable duels. For example, a group of 6 drivers fought each other for a full lap.

In the end, serial winner Mac Sheperd won both races and Vesa Tolonen finished twice on the podium.
Also making the podium were Nat Stevenson and Anthony M Petro, who accomplished this in his first race at THR.

The detailed results can be found here:

Race 1

Mac Shepherd
Vesa Tolonen
Anthony M Petro

Detailed Results - Race 1

Race 2

Mac Shepherd
Nat Stevenson
Vesa Tolonen

Detailed Results - Race 2

Congrats to the winners and podium finishers of race 1 and 2!

And many thanks to every participant.
It was a pleasure to have you on track!

Live stream from race ONE and TWO:

YouTube player

For more information to the Championship follow this link:

After crossing the finish line at the end of our 2.4-hour race at Daytona, we unveiled our new [THR] store.

The first products have already reached you and besides the joy of having your own THR - product, our first recepients confirmed that the quality is great…

You have a shop means that you have almost endless possibilities to create your own products in our shop.
Whether with or without THR reference > It´s your choice.
But we think it's great to see THR products spread around the world. 😉

To make it easier for you to create your own shirt, hoodie, mug, etc.,
we have written a comprehensive help article.

And to give you a little incentive to visit the store, we are pleased to offer you a 10% discount until the end of the month.
(The discount code can be found in our #shop channel in Discord.)

THR has hosted many races and championships over the past few months.
There has been racing action every weekend.

Over the holidays we are taking a short break to refill the tanks.

And then the Nordschleife is coming!

YouTube player
Many thanks to Kloppstick for this clip 😉

On 2021-01-09 we will continue with the GPL race on the Nordschleife.

One week later on 2021-01-16 we will race the TCL cars on the historic Mosport track….

Both races are open for your registration now:

In many ways, the year was different than we all expected.
Corona cut us off from many of the things we were used to.

Fortunately, THR was almost unaffected by the restrictions. Therefore we were able to offer some normality and at least on the weekends we were able to pursue our favorite racing activity.

It was an exciting year for THR. We have had many great races, fought some championships and celebrated our second anniversary.

The last two events will certainly be remembered longer by the participants.

Currently, we are still in the midst of two championships that we won't wrap up until mid-February.
What will come after that, I don't know exactly yet, but it will most likely be longer races.

You may have noticed that we have moved from (the redirection works) to
I would have found exciting too, but the site belongs to a motorcycle workshop and I didn't dare to ask 😉

I would like to take this opportunity again to thank you all. The community is slowly growing and it's a lot of fun with you!
But I also noticed that THR steals more and more of my free time. I've spent many hours at nights trying not to neglect my family / work during the day.

So I'm glad about the little time off over the holidays and recharge my batteries for the new year.
Maybe next year we'll find solutions to take some of the load off me.

Thanks for the great time and the great races!

Thanks also to my wife, who gave me more free time than I deserved…

I wish you happy holidays and a happy, healthy new year 2021.

On last Sunday [THR] held his second celebration race around it´s second anniversary.

We drove the the 24 hours of Daytona with the ACL GTR Mod cars compressed in 2.4 hours.
We had both racer teams and solo racers at the start.

It was the second race simulating 24 hours in THR history.
And the second celebration race, was as good as the first one.

We had both racer teams and solo racers at the start.

The teams had to make a driver change during the race, which had to last 180 seconds.
The solo riders did not have to complete this stop, but instead received a time penalty.

Valentin Knechtel received shortly before the start that his teammate Müesli could not participate in the race due to technical problems.
Valentin therefore had to drive the race all alone.
Luckily he is used to long stints by participating in real simracing 24 hours races.
After a fight at the beginning of the race, he was able to pull away slightly and defend the lead until the finish.

What a lovely surprise, guys. THANK YOU!! :slight_smile:

Valentin after revealing his prize for winning the race.

Margar, Nat Steveson and Stavros also showed a strong performance and chased Valentin the whole race.
Stavros managed the fastest lap of the race.

The podium of the ACL GTR - 2.4 hours at Daytona

Valentin Knechtel
Nat Stevenson

There are many untold stories from this race. But the spectators got their money's worth and the participants liked the day / night transition very much.
Congratulations to the winner, the podium finishers and every participant of this great experience!

Detailed Race Results

Live Stream of the Race

YouTube player

The Participants agreed again that we should continue such long races in the future.
Maybe we will take this into account for our next championships.

On last Sunday [THR] held his first celebration race around it´s second anniversary.

We drove the GPL Mod at Monza 1966. Instead of doing two 20 Minute races, we raced 68 laps like they did back in 1967.

It was the first full distance race in THR history. And it was a blast.

That was awesome. Crazy!

pitman right after he crossed the finish line.

We saw great performances and many fights for positions over the most of the 68 laps.

Every participant did a really good job. Only at the start we faced a technical failure at Joni Lindholms car, which cause a bit of trouble in the field.

Mac Sheperd started from last position and was still able to win the race.
As mentioned by herself, she benefited from the start crash, as she was able to make up many positions directly. But of course many fast and good laps were also responsible for the victory.

Duderei had a really good Qualifying, which was held on Saturday and started the race on P2, which helped him to stay out of trouble right at the start. He raced also pretty fast and battled with Nat and Mac for his positions. At the end he was able to finish on P2.

pitman started the race from 6th place on the grid. Unfortunately, the damaged car of Joni Lindholm was in front of him.
Due to this incident he dropped back to position 12 and fought his way forward in the progress of the 68 laps.
In the last 8 laps pitman fought with Nat Stevenson for 3rd place and both overtook each other 9 times. The spectators got their money's worth and in the end pitman secured the third place.

The podium of the GPL - 68 laps at Monza

Mac Shepherd

There are many untold stories from this race. But the spectators got their money's worth.
Congratulations to the winner, the podium finishers and every participant of this great experience!

Detailed Race Results

Live Stream from Race and Qualifying

YouTube player
YouTube player

Some differences between F1 in 1967 and our THR race

F1 1967THR 2020
Race Total Time1:43:45.001:40:07.800
Fastest Lap Time1:28,501:27.095

We were faster cause of the MOD which could not be 100% correct.
The other reason is that we were more risk-taking, because we didn't have to fear bad injuries or death in case of accidents.

Participants agreed that we should continue such long races in the future.
Maybe we will take this into account for our next championships.

Since [THRs] foundation in December 2018, we have spent most of our time using the mods that Bazza and his team have created.

It was overdue to send a big Thank you!
Therefore we have made a donation to Bazza, Dr. Doomslab and your team.

[THR] says > Thanks for the hours you let us enjoy your Mods!

To celebrate our 2nd anniversary, THR will do 2 celebration races.

Part Two is the race with the ACL GTR Mod at Daytona Road Course.
We will race a 24 hours race with driver swap compressed in 2.4 hours.

Click the Image for detailed Information or follow the link below

To celebrate our 2nd anniversary, THR will do 2 celebration races.

Part One is the race with the GPL Mod at Monza. We will race 68 laps like they did back in 1967.

Click the Image for detailed Information or follow the link below