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The championship was a little different, cause summertime lowered the usual number of participants.

We have a new well deserved champion.

Congratulations Nat Stevenson

For the next 4 weeks we race the GPL 1500 cc Mod in [THR].
After some tests, we are proud to announce the

[THR] GPL 1500cc Championship.

In the following lines you can find the details on the Cup.

cars (made by Bazza)

We race the GPL 1500cc Mod from Bazza.
You can find the cars and additional information in our Discord channel.

[THR] skinpack

We have tons of beautiful custom skins from our members.
You can find and download them here:
If you want to make your own skin and race it in THR races, have a look here:


3Österreichring 742020-07-12

race weekend

Practice Races on Saturday.
Championship Races on Sunday.

>>> All races will be held on the weekends track!

Start will be at 20 UTC each day.
The championship starts at 2020-06-28 and ends at 2020-07-19.

Schedule for Saturday and Sunday:

  • First: a qualifying over 20 minutes
  • Second: a race over 20 minutes (normal starting grid)
  • Third: a race over 20 minutes (reversed starting grid)

There will be no restart. Start carefully!


You have to register your slot for the championship:
Register your spot for the races
You can choose car and skin during the registration.


We race on one of our 5 servers.
Information will be given before each weekend.

THR | 1 | Tarnhorn Racing | GPL67 MOD community
THR | 2 |THR | 3 |THR | 4 |THR | 5 |

drivers championship

We have a drivers championship and we use the following point system:


So every racer is able to earn points in the races and therefore has the possibility to compete for position in the championship.

If a racer is not able to end the race, points will be rewarded, if 75% of the leaders lap numbers are completed.

The points for race 1 and race 2 will be added together.
Sunday Race1 = P6 = 25 points | Race2 = P2 = 33 points

This are 58 points, which are added to your drivers championship.

To take in account that not every racer is able to race on every weekend, the worst result will be deleted. So only 3 out of 4 weekends count for the championship.


Read our rules page here:


Our main communication channel is our Discord Server.
Please follow:

Or just click the button in the right menu.

best wishes

We wish you some really good, intense and exciting races over the next weeks!


NASCAR 90s at Homestead and Daytona


Livestream from our race on Sunday

YouTube player

information before the raceweekend

You have to register for each weekend with this form:
Register your spot for the races

THR | 2 | Tarnhorn Racing | GPL67 community 
password: no server password
max number of racers: 36
cars: NASCAR 90s
track 1: Homestead
track 2: Daytona

event date:
2020-06 - 20+21 (Saturday to Sunday)
Start will be at 20 UTC each day.

race weekend:

Schedule for Saturday and Sunday:

  • Practice: 15 minutes (The server will be up at 20UTC.)
  • Qualifiying: 5 minutes
  • Race: 40 minutes

There will be no restart. Start carefully!

Time Zone Converter for 20:00 UTC:

Porsche 917/30 at Monza 1966

information before the raceweekend

You have to register for each weekend with this form:
Register your spot for the races

THR | 2 | Tarnhorn Racing | GPL67 community 
password: no server password
max number of racers: 30
cars: Porsche 917/30 (Kunos Car)
track: Monza 1966 Road (Kunos Track)

event date:
2020-06 - 13+14 (Saturday to Sunday)
Start will be at 20 UTC each day.

race weekend:

Schedule for Saturday and Sunday:

  • Practice: 15 minutes (The server will be up at 1945UTC.)
  • Qualifiying: 20 minutes
  • Race: 20 minutes
  • Race 2: 20 minutes (Reversed Grid)

There will be no restart. Start carefully!

Time Zone Converter for 20:00 UTC:

at ROUEN made by Sergio Loro

information before the raceweekend

You have to register for each weekend with this form:
Register your spot for the races

THR | 1 | Tarnhorn Racing | GPL67 community 
password: no server password
max number of racers: 30
cars: Every car from the 1960s GPL 1500cc mod.
Link and detailed information on the installation can be found on:
track: Rouen made by Sergio Loro

Until the raceweekend we practice at the Beta-Version of the track.
(Link is available in our Discord.)

On raceweekend every registered racer will get a promo code to download the Release-Version for free...

event date:
2020-06 - 06+07 (Saturday to Sunday)
Start will be at 20 UTC each day.

race weekend:

Schedule for Saturday and Sunday:

  • Practice: 15 minutes (The server will be up at 1945UTC.)
  • Qualifiying: 20 minutes
  • Race: 60 minutes

There will be no restart. Start carefully!

Time Zone Converter for 20:00 UTC:

click on the image for detailed information

On next weekend [THR] races a short "Endurance" Race ????

We race the 24 hours of Le Mans in 2.4 hours.

race weekend 5/5 - Deutschlandring

information before the raceweekend

You have to book your slot for each weekend with this form:

  • Choose wisley, cause you block your chosen spots.
  • Due to technical reasons (google forms) the booking will close on 20UTC each race day. So, don't wait to long to book your spot.

THR | Tarnhorn Racing GPL67 MOD Community |
password: no server password
max number of racers: 30
cars: Every GPL-Car from the GPL v2.20 mod.
Link and detailed information on the installation can be found on:
Our GPL 67 Mod Page
track: Deutschlandring by Fat-Alfie

event date:
2020-05 - 16+17 (Saturday to Sunday)
Start will be at 20 UTC each day.

race weekend:

  • Practice Races on Saturday. (on THR Server 1)
  • Championship Race on Sunday. (on THR Server 1)

Schedule for Saturday and Sunday:

  • Second: a race over 20 minutes (normal starting grid)
  • Third: a race over 20 minutes (reversed starting grid)

There will be no restart. Start carefully!

Any information about race weekends, booking, driver and team championship, THR skin pack and tracks can be found here:
READ IT! You will find the answers to your questions!

Time Zone Converter for 20:00 UTC:

The grand finale of the touring cars is this weekend, book now for your spot in the big race!
The championship has been close, in all classes, and this is the decider, will you come out on top?

Remember, your worst 2 races will be removed before the final points are announced.

Standings are here:

race weekend 4/5 - Monaco 1966


THR-TV´s live broadcast

YouTube player

Technoluddite´s race images

information before the raceweekend

You have to book your slot for each weekend with this form:

  • Choose wisley, cause you block your chosen spots.
  • Due to technical reasons (google forms) the booking will close on 20UTC each race day. So, don't wait to long to book your spot.

THR | Tarnhorn Racing GPL67 MOD Community |
password: no server password
max number of racers: 30
cars: Every GPL-Car from the GPL v2.20 mod.
Link and detailed information on the installation can be found on:
Our GPL 67 Mod Page
track: Spa 66

event date:
2020-05 - 02+03 (Saturday to Sunday)
Start will be at 20 UTC each day.

race weekend:

  • Fun Race on Friday. (on THR Server 2)
  • Practice Races on Saturday. (on THR Server 1)
  • Championship Race on Sunday. (on THR Server 1)

Schedule for Saturday and Sunday:

  • Second: a race over 20 minutes (normal starting grid)
  • Third: a race over 20 minutes (reversed starting grid)

There will be no restart. Start carefully!

Any information about race weekends, booking, driver and team championship, THR skin pack and tracks can be found here:
READ IT! You will find the answers to your questions!

Time Zone Converter for 21:00 UTC:

Try not to end up in the guard rails, its the tiny but historical track of Monaco.
We race the Family edition layout from 1967 made by Waffles.

Standings are here:

Good Racing and have fun!

Technoluddite´s race images