A short promo video about what we love and what we do in our [THR]-community.
Many thanks to Bo Stamper!
We have a youtube-channel now. 😉
Author: pitman
The booking is easy now!
Hi racers. I got a feedback regarding our booking system.
It was mentioned that it could be to complicated.
So I changed the system a little bit.
We offer Funraces on three days (Friday, Saturday and Sunday).
We start at 21 UTC each day and race as long as there are racers on the server. (As we did it successfully in the last weeks.)
These three options can be found in the booking system now.
Only these three options!
So please just choose your possible race days and show other community members, when you will be on track.
Thank you for your support!
P.S.: To clarify > It is not necessary to book a race day, to login to our server.
But I hope it becomes normal to show others, on which days the starting grid should be filled...
New Facebook-Site
You asked for it yesterday. We deliver today.
Our new facebook site:
May it help to find more racers for our [THR]-community!
If you like it, like it on the right side of our website.
Share buttons
We have tiny litle share buttons below each article, or site now.
Feel free to share our content and introduce [THR] to the world 😉
Welcome recaptcha v3
After recaptcha v2 made some trouble, when users tried to register or login into our forum, I found a way to implement recaptcha v3.
Your benefit:
You dont have to click pics with traffic lights, cars, or something like that anymore.
Our benefit:
The Website is safe against Bots, etc...
This icon in the lower right corner show when recaptcha v3 is active on a site.
We have a Forum now…
... and Dude has a question!
AMERICAN CHALLENGE – Bridgehampton Race Circuit
New booking system for [THR]
I have implemented a booking system in [THR].
You can find the easy to use system on the right side of our website:
Or via direct link:
I would love to see, that you click/mark the times when you are able to race with us.
With this booking system everyone can see, when other racers should be on the server.
I think that could help our community.
Thanks in advance!
New mobile menu
I have installed a new mobile menu to simplify the navigation with your smartphone.
According to your votes, we will race in Rouen next: